September 16, 2005

-Shameless Self Promotion-

Thanks to all of you last time, I won MKE's Blog of the week contest, and now its semi-finalist time. If you truely think I've got something good here, than please vote for me (I'm number 5 in the list). Than when you are done with your first vote, ask your friends and family to do the same. ;)

Thank-You for being a vistor and helping me develop my craft as a photographer. I send all of you hugs.


1 comment:

Bryon Houlgrave said...

Hey dude, thanks for the link. Good luck in the blog contest.

Vote for Kevin, everyone.

My last played songs while editing photos were....

If you have not added Last.Fm to your computer yet, go ahead and click my play list. Add me as a friend. Highly recommended.