October 01, 2005

Hello my fair Bloger friends. I apologize if I did not tell you this sooner but I will showing some of my photos at the Bremen Cafe in Milwaukee for the Riverwest Art Walk.

The Artwalk goes from noon to five p.m. on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Also on Saturday evening starting at 5 to 9 p.m. there is an artists party at Art Bar.

Please, come and check out some of the work that I have done as well as some of my friends. I am really gald you guys like the site so much I have been getting a lot of positive feedback. Also, I beg of you to leave a comment to let me know you have come and seen the site. I am currently in talks with someone for a redesign so I want to see what my readers have to say about the site before I start tearing things down.

Once again, thank you a millon times for your support.

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