December 02, 2005

I am posting this picture of my Grandmother because I wanted to talk a bit more about my personal life with everyone. So far this blog has been based on silly pictures and artsy crap. However, there was no real story telling going on. My Grandma is 88 years old and not a sprite as she used to be. It’s hard for me to watch her deteriorate like that. However, this is the way of life and how it cycles. I haven't had to deal with much death lately, but five years ago I had about enough of it.
In 1999 three very close people to my life were killed in a car accident. All lived in the same tiny little dorm with me in Platteville, WI. Keeping it quick, it was not easy to make it through. Death is a part of all of our lives. I am sure people in New York, Iraq and Washington can all attest to 'too much of a bad thing.' Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

JRamoneWI said...

Amen, brotha. And Helen... HOT.

My last played songs while editing photos were....

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