March 20, 2007
State Street, Madison, WI. The only place where you can get a schizophrenic guitar player with a kazoo (no, he really is), a giant 12 foot hippy and a drunk college student all in one shot.
Photograph by
K good
have at it's
Wood National Cemetery in Milwaukee, WI. With all that is going on these days I think it would be an important mental field trip to visit this place. In fact there are hundreds of these verterns cemeteries in the country, so none of you have an excuse. Link help.
Photograph by
K good
have at it's
From the Forest Home cemetery in Milwaukee, WI. The weather is still a bit nippy, but Spring is right around the corner. This place fit well with the dead grass and trees. I can't wait to go back and get the greenery around some of these statues.
Photograph by
K good
have at it's