October 30, 2007

Jesus on a pile of filth

This weekend I went to Rockford, IL to visit a friend. I had to take a photograph of a three story free standing building using a view camera. My friend suggested we try to find a building in the old industrial area of town. We pulled into a large gravel parking lot that was bordered by an old train depot and other abandoned manufacturing buildings. The first thing I saw when I exited the car were two used needles and a beheaded toy doll, this was a sad part of town and I intended to capture it with the camera. After spending an hour or so shooting the exterior of the building we dared to go inside this place. There were three stories, each level more spooky than the last. The following four images are of that interior. Maybe it was the time of the year or the way the light was at an extreme angle but by the time I had gotten to the third floor of the building I had gotten the willies and made for a b line out of there. This image I feel is the strongest of what I took in the place, a photo of Jesus upon a pile of filth.

As an update I want to apologize for the lack of photographs I have been posting online lately. As many of you know I taking photography classes this semester. These classes are not taking away from my craft but they are making it difficult to post what I do online being that I do not have a way of posting 4x5 negatives online. I will try to scan my prints but I am never satisfied with the way they look after the scan. With a bit of trial and error I should have a lot more to share. Keep visiting.

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