November 02, 2008

Rest in Peace Studs Terkel

An idol of mine passed away on Friday. Studs Terkel died in his home at the age of 96. 

I had the awesome opportunity a couple years ago to photograph Studs Terkel. Unfortunately I was I a total rookie and I had no idea what the hell I was doing. In fact there is really only one usable shot from that session, and this isn't it. Regardless, I was sitting at table in Cafe Lulu in Milwaukee with Studs Terkel listening to him tell us a story right in front of me. His voice was cleaner in person that it was on the radio. He had a hard time hearing us, but that didn't seem to bother him all that much because he just went on and on about George W. Bush and his fabricated war. At one point he was so worked up that he stood up at the table and started ranting and raving about the blunders and mistakes made in that past few years.  It was brilliant and a moment in my life I will never ever forget. 

Here is a link to some of the usable shots in my gallery:

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