September 07, 2008


The time has finally come. I can share with each and everyone of you the official release of my website ( With what started with me posting a Craigslist ad early one Saturday morning to the finished product I couldn't be happier.

Working with the designer was simple, streamlined and enjoyable. Tommy has been a pleasure to work with. A designer who lives in Miami Beach, FL he has survived a few tropical storms and a couple of hurricanes he still has been able to get phases of the project done for me. He has had the know how and patience to work with me as a client and most of all a photographer. I will gladly give him a reference for further work.

I have also had the help of other friends through out this process. My friend Niki who helped go though edits of my bio. My friend Tom who helped create the first official "KCG Photography" logo. My friend Charles who gave even more input to the site through his experience in arena of the web. Then there was the input of masses of friends who looked over the site and pointed out bits and pieces that weren't just right.

As for people that read this blog, don't worry I plan to update this just as often as the website. This Blog will be used more as a talking piece about my photography in general. I was using the Blog to let the pictures to speak for themselves. Now that the website has taken the place of that I can use this as more of a talking piece of my style, experiences, and love of what I do.

Please visit here often and check the website for constant updates. Now that all of the hard work by others is done its up to me to add more to the galleries. I am digging through old projects and assignments to add. I am also currently on the lookout for new people and places to add to the site. Let me know if you are interested in being part of this. This is an exciting step for me and I am glad to share with all of you.

1 comment:

Bryon Houlgrave said...

Awesome Kevin, congratulations!!

My last played songs while editing photos were....

If you have not added Last.Fm to your computer yet, go ahead and click my play list. Add me as a friend. Highly recommended.