September 17, 2008

Photography and philosphy

If someone comes to me and asked me, "Explain your photography style, or show me an example of something you are most proud of." I would never say something like, "I am proud of it all, or I have a very unique style all of my own - check out my website you will see."

Its a very personal thing; being a photographer. You need to be one with the person you are shooting, no matter what. Even if you are taking a picture of piece of food you need to be one with it. This all sounds silly, but in reality its the truth.

I think each project I try is a challenge. I want to take it to a new level that I haven't tried or seen. Its curious being a photographer because no matter what, you mimic others work. You may not do it on purpose, but you do. This could mean shooting like my favorite TV show or looking at some of the great photographers of our time. No matter what you are influenced by something. However, my point is you biggest influence should be whats in front of you at the moment you are taking those photographs. This is part when you become less amature and more professional.

If you are still wondering what the answer to my original question is, "Whats my style?" I would say I am contemporary. I like big bright colors, and very dark black and whites. I like to make sure my subject is the main point but still worry about everything else around it. I like to see things in ways you don't see it.

For example, my most recent shot of Ryan Braun is a good example. I like this photograph because he doesn't look like he is playing a baseball game. He looks like he is bored, standing there chewing on his fingers. Someone who is such a large figure in the summer months seems so small and distant in that photograph. In a way, that shot to me puts the month of September for the Milwaukee Brewers in prospective.

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